Occupational health: management of reinforced individual medical follow-up and recruitment examination

For the management of reinforced medical follow-up, and the monitoring of risks at work, the term enhanced medical monitoring (SMR), previously used before the application of the new decree on the moderation of work applied to the medical monitoring of workers, is replaced by the term of enhanced individual monitoring (SIR).

Reinforced individual monitoring concerns the medical surveillance of employees exposed to certain professional risks (article R 4624-23 of the Labor Code).

Management of individual medical monitoring

Reinforced individual follow-up : List of items linked to specific exposures and risks within the framework of enhanced individual monitoring

Visite medicale prevention amiante suivi individuel renforcé

Asbestos risk

Management of reinforced individual follow-up lead risk

Lead risk

Management of reinforced individual follow-up biohazard


Management of reinforced individual follow-up radiation risk

Radiation risk

Management of reinforced individual follow-up chemical risk

Chemical risk

Management of reinforced individual follow-up road risk

Road risk

Management of reinforced individual follow-up falling risk

Risk of falling

Management of reinforced individual follow-up hyperbaric risk

Hyperbaric risk

Management of individual medical monitoring

The medical follow-up for hiring as part of the management of reinforced individual monitoring

Workers subject to reinforced monitoring must undergo a medical examination for fitness when hiring.

With regard to the management of the reinforced individual follow-up, only the occupational physician carries out the medical examination for aptitude for hiring and this before the assignment to the workstation.

Therefore, unlike the information and prevention visit, the visit cannot be entrusted to a collaborating doctor, an intern in occupational medicine, or a nurse.

At the end of the examination and/or its renewal, a notice of suitability or unsuitability is sent to the employer as well as to the worker, the notice being attached to the medical file.

gerer les visites medicales

Exemption from medical examination of aptitude and periodicity for reinforced follow-up

Within the framework of reinforced individual medical surveillance of employees, an exemption from a medical fitness examination may take place if the worker has previously undergone a medical fitness examination within the 2 years preceding his hiring, if he holds an identical job with equivalent exposure risks, if the occupational physician is in possession of the latest fitness opinion and there has been no individual measure modifying the nature of the fitness ( modification and adaptation of the workstation) over the past two years.

The periodicity of the follow-up within the framework of the reinforced individual follow-up is decided by the occupational doctor, the worker will have to pass his next examination within a period of 4 years maximum.

An intermediate visit is carried out by a health professional (a collaborating doctor, an intern in occupational medicine, or a nurse) at the latest 2 years after the visit carried out by the occupational doctor.

Managing your medical visits starts here

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