Prevention and training for occupational health and safety

Prevention and training for health and safety at work for employees aims to limit employee absences, which can be costly for the company: sick leave, work accidents, professional sickness, musculoskeletal disorders.

Within the framework or health prevention at work, our expertise is to organize the medical appointments of your employees with the occupational health physician. We manage the complete organization of the medical visit of your employees.

As part of occupational safety, the prevention of occupational risks to which employees are exposed is achieved by the implementation of the Document for the Evaluation of Occupational Risks (DUERP or DEUR), and by the organization of specific training given certified providers.

health safety prevention and training
health safety prevention and training

Occupational health prevention

Preventing the health and safety of employees at work consists in anticipating the risks that each employee incurs according to the position he/she occupies.

This prevention involves the medical assessment of the employee through regular medical visits, but also the creation of worksheets, together with the identification of specific problems that may arise if the employee does not respect procedures regarding:

  • Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
  • Risks of falling from full foot or height
  • Risks of relating to the utilization of tools or the manipulation of products

Through our network of partner, we are able to offer you an audit of your workstations and the realization of the DUERP/DUER in order to allow a better monitoring of your employees during their medical visit of information and prevention

safety prevention and training at work

Safety at work

For a proper medical surveillance of the employees, and to limit the risk of accidents at work, the preventive medical examination must be followed by training courses on security. These occupational safety training courses allow them to understand the safety rules that must be followed when performing the tasks they are required to perform.

Some of the training courses wich might be required :

  • Electrical qualification
  • First aid gestures
  • Correct gestures and posture
  • Fire risk prevention and evacuation

For the realization of these trainings, we can recommend authorized partners organizations. The financing of safety courses is the sole responsibility of the employer, but under certain conditions you can benefit from complementary financing.

Some training courses may also be eligible under the employees’ Personal Training Account (CPF)

Health and safety prevention starts here

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