What is a Social and Economic Committee (CSE) and what functions does it perform?

  • employees’ representative body in companies with at least 11 employees;
  • Ensures dialogue between employees and employers in certain situations by :
    o Protecting employees’ jobs and working conditions;
    o Monitoring employee health and safety;
    o Ensuring Compliance with labor law;
    o initiatives and actions to prevent psychological harassment, sexual harassment and sexist behaviors.

What is the framework for drawing up the guide to raise awareness of the need to prevent and combat racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination on grounds of origin, for use by the CSE?

The Government’s National Plan to Combat Racism, Anti-Semitism and Ethnic Discrimination (2023-2026).

Why a national plan and a guide?

Because discrimination on grounds of origin is predominant in the professional sphere and in employment.

What are the aims of this guide?

  • To provide better protection for employees and better support for entrepreneurs in the face of discrimination;
  • To encourage social dialogue on these issues by involving the works councils as key players.

How can the guide help?

Recently published by the Ministry of Labour and written in conjunction with a number of partners, the guide to raising awareness of the need to prevent and combat racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination on grounds of origin includes :

  • Definitions and concepts you need to know;
  • Obligations and sanctions;
  • Means of action available to CSE elected representatives;
  • Concrete examples and practical actions.

Link to the guide:

Do you need explanations? Do you need support in your role as an entrepreneur? We have many years of experiences in supporting companies, do not hesitate to contact us:

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